Body Detox Wrap
This experience begins with dry brushing your entire
body including your face and neck.
We apply a body mask and wrap a thermal blanket
to retain the heat within and let the mask soak into
your skin.
Once it’s dry, we remove the mask and apply an
organic body oil while doing a light massage.
What is Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing is worth the hype and for good reason.
The practice, which involves brushing your entire
body with a dry bristle brush, has gained popularity
because of its numerous health and beauty benefits.
Skin exfoliation
Exfoliation is important because it increases cell
turnover, enabling the skin to look smoother and
younger. By using a dry body brush, dead skin cells
are removed which improves overall skin texture.
Boosts circulation
The friction of the brush against skin stimulates the
flow of oxygen-rich blood to nourish and repair.The result? Skin that looks glowing and healthy.
Lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage or detox is one of the main
benefits of dry body brushing.
The lymphatic system works hand in hand with the
circulatory system to remove waste from the body.
And removing waste from the body and organs
equals better-looking skin – the biggest organ of
them all!
Reduces fluid retention
Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling as if
you gained weight overnight? This is most likely the
result of fluid retention in your body, leaving you
feeling bloated.
Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system to
rid itself of excess fluid, helping to remove toxins
and in turn, that dreaded bloat.
Tightens skin
Exfoliation stimulates fibroblasts, which are cells
responsible to produce collagen. Since dry brushing
exfoliates the skin’s surface, it also helps stimulate
your skin’s production of collagen.
Collagen is important because it maintains the
structure and appearance of the skin, helping to
tighten and improve the overall texture.
Better results from skincare products
Dry brushing removes dead skin cells, which in turn
helps your skincare products penetrate the skin. Dry
brushing leaves behind a clean base for your
skincare products to absorb and work their magic.